What actually is Self- Love?

Self- love is a celebration. It is waking up to each day like it’s Christmas, Diwali or Hanukkah.

Self- love isn’t just face masks and spa days.

Self- love isn’t fluffy nonsense you do to distract you from your real problems.

Self- love is a warrior, fighting your greatest enemy: self- loathing.

You think people who truly hate themselves just need fuzzy slippers and a mimosa to get over it? Fam, self-love is a battle. It is ugly. It is painful.

Self- love is me crying at 3 am because i realized a man hurt me when i was 8 and i owed the little girl i used to be a moment of acknowledgement.

Self- love is breaking open to realize you were always whole.

Self-love is unlearning the patterns of thinking that made me apologize to some guy who was a WHOLE ass creep. He called me vile names and made me feel like shit just because he couldn’t understand me.

Self-love is standing up to any man who thinks he can tell me who i am.

Self-love is me trying to walk the streets alone and trying to hold in my tears.

Self- love is me trying to live not just to survive or exist.

Self-love is not for the faint of heart, it is the bravest thing I have ever done.

The bravest thing I do everyday.

I’m so grateful that I’m finally there for myself.



  1. flossydsouza · March 13, 2018

    Nice one

    Liked by 1 person

  2. MissteriosoDas · March 13, 2018

    Wonderfully implied. Self love is definitely one of the most important things in our lives which we often forget.


  3. MissteriosoDas · March 14, 2018

    Hey, I have nominated you for Mystery Blogger Award : https://missbindas.com/2018/03/14/mystery-blogger-award/

    Liked by 1 person

  4. MissteriosoDas · March 14, 2018



  5. adamslifeincollege · March 20, 2018

    Reblogged this on College life and commented:
    From one of my favorite Vent friends

    Liked by 1 person

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